Inscribe it on tablets

So this isn’t really a blog. It is more of an extension of discussions. These are the subjects that fill my favorite discussions and I hope this blog provokes more of them.

Each of the links on the side here are ramblings from subjects I love. Some are patch-quilt from different papers I wrote in school. Some are inspired from dialogs with friends and family. None are to be taken as serious as they sound, unless I’m quoting an Uncreated Author. All are linked in one way or another to the most beautiful subject in existence- Jesus the Messiah and His coming Kingdom.

To the extent these writings glorify and exalt Him is the extent they are worthy of being read and discussed. The Messiah and anything that relates to Him are my passion. Nothing else sustains my heart. God told the prophet Habakkuk to write down his vision of the coming Kingdom of God and make it plain. That is my desire. My hope is that these posts stimulate discussion and thought concerning what is on God’s heart- the day of vengeance against His enemies and the restoration of all things.

~ by danielgodsey on February 3, 2010.

One Response to “Inscribe it on tablets”

  1. I found it interesting how Paul, in the letters to the Corinthians addresses the issue of personal demeanor versus style of writing. The Corinthians wrote how he was “heavy” in his letters and “weak” in person.
    I find it extremely helpful to understand the balance between actually walking out kindness in weakness in person, but accordingly saying the necessitated “tough” things that need to be said.
    Making something plain is important. Staying weak in Christ is also essential. What a fascinating balance Paul lived!

    …..have lots to learn…

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